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  • Writer's picturezivot-coaching

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

We are all unique. One of a kind. Embrace it, friends! What makes us feel happy and healthy is specific to each of us. A food or supplement that miraculously clears a friend's illness or eliminates their eczema may or may not do the same for another. It worked for them. We need to find what will work for us, and the best way to do this is by trial and error.

Bio-individuality isn't just about what we eat and drink, it's much more than that. It's all our lifestyle. Health is complex and encompasses wonderful aspects of our lives: environment, social connections, relationships, exercise routine, career, spirituality and more. It's fluid and dynamic, changing with us on our healthful journeys - it's about finding what makes us happy at this stage in our lives and what makes us feel amazing now.

Our bio-individuality is why there are so many health trends and unique diets; generally, by well-intentioned people who've found amazing results with the lifestyle choices they've made, and they're excited to share with others. The issue is that it won't work for everyone and realistically speaking, won't work exactly for any two individuals. Experimenting with different diet and lifestyle choices is the way to find the magic potion that works wonderfully for each of us.

Tune in to the mind and body and listen for where to begin - a new fitness routine at home? A plant-based diet? More time outdoors? New social connections? Let's take a moment to consider that there is something constant in most diets and programs out there: the importance of movement and eating a diet filled with plant-based foods. Remember that we all start where we are now, and that's what matters... small changes will build on each other, resulting in long lasting positive habits.

While studying at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I learned about the importance of primary food as well as secondary food when it comes to health and what makes us thrive as individuals. Primary food embodies the complexity in all of us and brings awareness to the bigger picture of health, really looking at lifestyle and environment. Secondary food is our fuel in the form of food- our diet. And it's really a full circle since what we eat is influenced by our lifestyle and environment... our primary food.

As you look to find what best supports your bio-individuality, consider both primary and secondary foods. Do you have a high stress job that leaves you exhausted at the end of the day, and craving comfort or snack foods, for instance. Or maybe you want to exercise regularly but haven't really considered your options - joining a gym is only one option and not everyone enjoys it. You need to find what movement you enjoy... that's when you'll be able to do it consistently.

Start with the basics and don't overwhelm yourself:

  • Crowd out foods you'd like to remove or limit by including more whole foods. Eat that vegetable soup or green salad first, you'll have less room for the other stuff

  • Consume a rainbow of colors when it comes to fruits and vegetables

  • Include movement- it can be a walk, housework, or a H.I.I.T workout - do what makes you happy

  • Keep a journal to track your mood and feeling as you experiment with new things

  • Set aside time to play and give yourself something to look forward to: walking outside, reading a book, meeting a friend at a coffeeshop

With love and sparkles to beautiful, bio-individual YOU,


  • Writer's picturezivot-coaching

Visiting my pops is always a unique and endearing experience. He lives in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn [NY] where produce stands are ubiquitous. That serves him extremely well since he chooses to consume a mostly plant-based diet, with an interest in a new fruit or vegetable each time I see him! It's not just the fresh and yummy food that I enjoy with him... it's also watching nonsense shows that make us laugh, hearing rich stories of the past, and maybe more than anything, appreciating his positive and cheerful disposition

He is 87 years old and still regularly walks miles at a time, his energy level at a healthy constant. I introduced him to the Nike app a couple of years ago to track all the wonderful steps and miles. When we go on walks together now, so does the app, talking to us as we go: when we stop at a streetlight, it lets us know our 'workout paused', when we begin walking, it lets us know our 'workout resumed', and it also lets us know each time we've covered a quarter mile. His eyesight is amazing, and he doesn't wear prescription glasses. I can't look up when it's sunny without sunglasses and here he is, with green eyes (they say lighter eyes are more sensitive to light), not even squinting.

Pops' healthy lifestyle evolved over time, small steps building upon one another. It's routine for him, seamless and instinctual.

Habits and tips as I see them with Pops... and a couple extra he doesn't do yet [can you guess which?]

Eating Habits

  • Do NOT walk or drive while eating: Take it slow and sit down for meals. Your digestive system will run better [you know, like an engine] and you'll be more mindful of it all.

  • Eat a salad every day: It's a great way to ensure you are eating vegetables on a daily basis. And build your other meals around veggies for more variety.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Gratitude: Bring pleasure up a notch by appreciating the meal. Maybe the corn meal bread is perfect, or the corner shop had a really good batch of green beans that day.


  • Enjoy regular phone dates with family members.

  • Share your day with someone you care about, taking turns talking.

  • Listen: Give people your full attention. Practice listening.

  • Help someone: volunteer, grab a door, compliment a stranger, offer a smile.


  • Sleep. Get your Zzzz. Regularly.

  • Relax and recharge: try meditation, take deep breaths, just chill.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice and floss at least once daily. It really boosts dental health! A water pic in lieu of flossing does the trick marvelously.


  • Laugh more. Be silly and spend more time with people that make you laugh.

  • Pay attention to negative self-stalk and replace with wording that is encouraging and positive.

  • Daily affirmation practice: start and/or end your day with a powerful word or statement.

  • Pause when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Click below to learn how belly breathing can help.


  • Set a goal to move that is achievable and then increase when you're ready. You can start with a goal of 10 minutes walking each day. It doesn't have to be at once and it can be walking in place.

  • Sign up for something new. Try something new.

  • Stand up or move around a bit once every 60 minutes. Put on a timer if you need to. It gets the blood flowing.

  • Find the time to move just a bit more. You've heard these before: take the stairs, park farther away, do lunges on the way to the bathroom [I'm proud to share this one-oh, and you could do high knees on your next trip!]

Home Environment

  • Plants are awesome. Not just beautiful to look at, plants help clean the air and provide more oxygen.

  • Organize your space and you'll be more productive, making whatever you're doing more pleasurable.

  • Make your bed every morning. It just starts the day off right.

  • Turn off electronics at least half an hour before bed.

Whether you are trying just one of these healthy tips or you're already doing many, my hope is that you stay inspired and committed to yourself and feeling oh so good!

With love and sparkles,


Portokali Gourmet Market, Sheepshead Bay

  • Writer's picturezivot-coaching

In the summer of 2022, after 7 months and 2 surgeries on my arm, it was soooo wonderful to be back playing! And I brought my friend, Olga Nan, along for the fun Be prepared for silliness and amateur filming in this video 🤣

You'll get 16 minutes of HIIT in this video -- 4 rounds of 4 minute workouts, Tabata style. This type of fitness fun is awesome because it's one of the most time-efficient ways to exercise, with bursts of high intensity movement and [lower intensity] recovery movement. You'll be sure to break a sweat!

Take your time and warm up a bit before hitting play and be sure to cool down at the end. I take you through 2 rounds on the boardwalk and 2 rounds on the sand!

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